Conference and workshops
Like last year, Webconf.asia takes place in the beautiful auditorium of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in North Point. The venue is right next to the MTR Quarry Bay exit C.
Full address: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Rd, North Point East, Hong Kong.
» Google Maps

How to get there
Arriving by MTR is probably the easiest. The venue is right next to Quarry Bay C on the Island line. When exited exit C, go immediately right and there you will find The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building. Follow the signs. Welcome!
You can also take various busses or easily come by taxi.
The venue is wheelchair accessible. If you have any questions or need assistance, please let us know so we can cater for your specific needs.
After Party
After Day One we hope to meet you all at the After Party sponsored by Microsoft. There will be snacks and local craftbeer by Gweilo. See you there?
The After party is taking place at WOW, a 5 minute walk from the conference venue at Unit F, 4/f, Tung Kin Factory Bldg, No. 202 Tsat Tsz Mui Road.
» Google Maps

If you're coming to town for Webconf.asia, that's super cool. We have made a cityguide to make to feel at home.
If you need any help on where to stay or need help combining your trip with our conference send us an email at charis@webconf.asia. We love to help.